Current Projects

2020 Urban Water Management Plan - Completed

The District is preparing its 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) as required by the California Water Code (CWC).  This effort must be completed by July 1, 2021.  CWC Section 10642 encourages “active involvement of diverse social, cultural, and economic elements of the populations” in preparing the UWMP and Section 10621(b) requires 60 day advance notice regarding the preparation of the UWMP.  The purpose of this announcement is to provide notification that the District has initiated its 2020 UWMP process.


Notification of the public hearing date, time, and location (anticipated to be held in June 2021), and access to a draft copy of the 2020 UWMP for review prior to that hearing will be posted on the District’s website.  The public hearing will allow: (1) community input regarding the District’s water supply reliability, (2) consideration of the economic impacts of complying with CWC statutes governing the UWMP and (3) the District’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan.


If you have any questions regarding this notification or the Bella Vista Water District’s UWMP update process, please contact Wayne Ohlin (530) 241-1085 or by email at


Akrich Street & Moody Creek Drive Water Main Replacement Project - Awarded to Builder Solutions, Inc. - Completed

Project Location - Specific

a. Project Location: Akrich Street & Moody Creek Drive within the E!h of Section 5,

Township 32 North, Range 4 West, M.D.8.&M.

b. Project Location - City: Redding, CA

c. Project Location - County: Shasta

Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Installation of approximately

2,750 lineal feet of 10-inch of water main and appurtenances for Bella Vista Water District.

Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption


WaterSmart Grant Solar Project - Completed!

5/13/2019 - Bella Vista Water District Completes Solar Facilities to Advance Sustainability and Resiliency

Bella Vista Water District has completed two major solar installations totaling 822 kilowatts of generation capacity. The first solar installation was designed and constructed by Halcyon Solar Construction at the District’s water treatment plant sized for 129-kilowatts of generation. The second installation, designed and constructed by CalCom Energy, is located at the District’s Regulating Station and is a 693-kilowatt system. Both solar projects provide clean, renewable energy for the District. The systems will advance the district’s sustainability efforts, improve resiliency and reduce costs by offsetting electricity used to treat and pump water throughout the district.

The solar projects were installed by the District as part of a comprehensive energy strategy to increase the District’s use of clean, locally produced renewable solar energy. Together, the two systems are expected to offset 75 percent of the District’s annual electricity use.

Bella Vista Water District financed the projects using a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART grant and District funds. The cost savings from reduced energy consumption will result in a payback of less than eight years on an asset that has a usable life of 25+ years.

The solar projects where installed with fixed-tilt racking and are expected to produce more than 1,000,000 kilowatt hours of clean energy per year, offsetting the equivalent carbon emissions generated by 123 houses’ electricity use per year ( Bella Vista’s lifetime utility bill savings is estimated to be well over $3 million.

“Water districts in California are faced with many challenges today, including water shortages, drought and resiliency challenges – and solar can help address these challenges,” said Dylan Dupre, chief executive officer of CalCom Energy. “By utilizing clean energy to reduce costs and carbon emissions, Bella Vista can serve its customers in a more sustainable and resilient way.”

“By leveraging District funds, we managed to maximize our overall investment in locally produced clean energy, which is central to the District’s energy strategy to reduce dependence upon retail power purchases and exposure to greatly increasing energy costs,” said David Coxey, General Manager of Bella Vista Water District.


3/15/18 - The District will be constructing two Solar Facilities with cost share funding from a 2015 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant.  The first facility will be located at the District's Water Treatment Plant on Canby Road to offset Treatment Plant and the Quail Ridge Pump Station electrical use (approximately 150kW system) within the REU service Area.  The second project will be located on Hidden Acres Road near the District's Regulating Station.  This solar facility will offset the Districts use of PG&E power and be sized at approximately 550kW.  Both facilities should be completed in 2018 and will offset roughly 75% of the Districts electrical use.  40% of the funding will be provided from the Watersmart grant.  The remaining funds will come from a Redding Electric Utility rebate and District funds.  The cost savings from reduced energy consumption will result in a payback of the Districts funds in less than eight years from completion of construction.

WaterSMART Drought Response Program - Water Shortage Contingency Plan - Completed!

Department of the Interior Awards $6.9 Million to 17 Projects for Drought Preparation

(June 30, 2017) - U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced today that the Bureau of Reclamation is awarding 17 projects in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Montana a total of $6.9 million to proactively prepare for and address drought in their communities. The federal funding will be leveraged to support more than $47.9 million for the development of drought contingency plans and implementation of drought resiliency projects. Read More →

Akrich Street Water Main Replacement Project - Completed August 2, 2017

This is a planned and prioritized pipeline replacement project that will improve water supply reliability by renewing critical infrastructure. Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Projects are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

03/27/17 Update:  Project Awarded to R.A. Martin Constructors, Inc.

1. Project Title: Akrich Street Water Main Replacement

Project Location - Specific. Project Location: Akrich Street within Section 5, Township 32 North,Range 4 West, M.D.B.&M.

City: Redding, CA

County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Installation of approximately 3,275 lineal feet of 1O-inch water main and appurtenances for Bella Vista Water District.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista water District

Notice of Exemption


Transmission Pipeline Condition Assessment - Completed

05/25/17 Update:  Inspection and final report completed

12/19/16 Update:  Project awarded to Pure Technologies U.S. Inc.

11/29/2016:  The District is requesting proposals for inspections services for approximately 4,600 lineal feet of 54-inch bar-wrapped, steel cylinder concrete pressure pipe (AWWA C303) water transmission main.

For more information regarding the District's recent Request for Proposal please click here.  The due date for submission is December 14, 2016 at 2:00 PM.  

2015 Urban Water Managment Plan - Adopted 11/17/16

The District is obligated to complete a 2015 Urban Water management Plan in accordance with the Urban Water Management Planing Act.

November 17, 2016 Update:  The Final 2015 Urban Water Management Plan is available here.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bella Vista Water District, Redding, California will conduct a public hearing at its regular Board Meeting on Monday, November 21, 2016, with the meeting commencing at 5:30 PM or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Bella Vista Water District Office 11368 E. Stillwater Way, Redding, Californial.

April 26, 2016 Update:  The project has been awarded to Provost and Prichard Consulting Group at the April 25, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting.

Jerrett Place Water Main Installation Project - Completed August 11, 2016

This is a planned and prioritized pipeline installation project. Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Projects are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Jerrett Place Water Main Project

2. Project Location - Specific

a. Project Location: Within the NE% of the SW% of Section29, Township 32 North,

Range 3 West, M.D.B.&M.

b. Project Location - City: N/A (near the unincorporated town of Bella Vista)

c. Project Location - County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Installation of approximately 450 feet of 6-inch of water main for Bella Vista Water District.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption


Vernita Drive Water Main Replacement Project - Completed July 8, 2016

This was a planned pipeline replacement project that has been reprioritized due to a leak.  Approximately 360 feet of 12-inch water main will be replaced and tied-in to existing piping.  An outage is presently planned for Wednesday July 6, 2016, to complete the tie-in.  The project is being funded by Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement reserves that are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Vernita Drive Water Main Replacement Project

2. Project Location – Specific

a. Project Location: Within the SW¼ of the NW¼ of Section 34, Township 33 North, Range 4 West, M.D.B.&M.

b. Project Location - City: N/A

c. Project Location - County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Replacement of approximately 360 feet of 12-inch of existing water main for Bella Vista Water District.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption



WATERSMART Grant Meter Replacement Program - In Progress

The Bella Vista Water District received a federal WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant for $999,938.00 payable over three years ($400,000 in FY 2015)  for its “Renewable Energy, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, and Water Conservation Improvements” Project. The District will install Advanced Metering Infrastructure equipment on the District’s 200 largest agricultural and irrigation meters, replace 80 existing meters (propeller and turbine type) with more accurate meters (compound and magnetic flow type.  Water conserved through the project will reduce the District’s pumping demand from the Sacramento River.

Environmental and archeological compliance in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is overseen by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.  For additional information see:  Reclamation Releases Environmental Document on Bella Vista Water District Advanced Metering and Water Conservation Improvements


Surge Tank Seismic Retrofit and Recoating - Completed May 5, 2016

The tall Surge Tank located on Hilltop Drive will undergo a seismic retrofit, sandblasting and painting over the next two months. The Surge Tank is an important feature of the Cow Creek Unit of the federal Central Valley Project that is operated and maintained by the Bella Vista Water District for its customers within its service area. The Surge Tank operates as a surge arrestor or “shock absorber” for water pumped from the Sacramento River to the District’s water treatment facility and customers. The District will be utilizing groundwater for the duration of the Surge Tank rehabilitation and the Wintu Pumping Plant and Treatment Facilities will remain offline.

The project includes the installation of a new base ring and 35 two-inch anchor bolts for seismic restraint of the tank along with miscellaneous safety improvements and recoating of the tank.This is a planned and prioritized extraordinary maintenance project that will improve water supply reliability by renewing critical infrastructure. The District’s extraordinary maintenance and replacement projects are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

Bella Vista Water District is a California Special District that provides water service to customers within the 53 square mile service area which includes portions of the City of Redding as well as unincorporated areas to the east of Redding including the communities of Palo Cedro and Bella Vista serving a population of approximately 17,000.

Project awarded to Blastco, Inc. on October 26, 2015.

1. Project Title: Surge Tank Seismic Retrofit and Recoating

2a. Project Location -580 Hilltop Drive, Redding, CA 96003 SW 1/4 of Section 30, T32N, R4W, MDB&M

2b. Project Location (City): Redding

2c. Project Location (County): Shasta County

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project:
The project includes the installation of 35 two-inch anchor bolts for seismic restraint of
the tank along with miscellaneous safety improvements and recoating of the tank. The
tank is a critical part of the Bella Vista Water District's water supply system.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

5. Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption


May 5, 2016 Update:  This project was completed on May 4, 2016!

Wintu Medium Voltage Testing and Maintenance - Completed February 2016

Project Awarded to Apparatus Testing and Engineering, Inc. on October 26, 2015

This is a planned and prioritized maintenance project at the Wintu Pumping Plant to perform electrical systems testing and maintenance of the power system, switchgear, vacuum breakers, motor starters, protective relays and related equipment. The project will be funded by Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement reserves that are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Wintu Medium Voltage Testing and Maintenance

2. Project Location – Wintu Pumping Plant

a. Project Location: Within Township 32 North, Range 4 West, N 1/4 of

Section 31, M.D.B.& M.

b. Project Location – City: Redding

c. Project Location - County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Perform electrical systems testing and maintenance of the power system, switchgear, vacuum breakers, motor starters, protective relays and related equipment.  The project purpose is to ensure reliable operation of the water system for the benefit of the District and its customers

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

5. Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Bella Vista Water District

Bloomingdale Road Water Main Replacement Project - Completed on 11/17/2015

Project Awarded to Iron Mountain General Engineering, Inc. on October 26, 2015

This is an unplanned and prioritized pipeline replacement project that will relocate the terminal reach of the pipeline in order to address a leak and inadequate bedding and backfill of the existing water line to improve water supply reliability and renew critical infrastructure. The project will be funded by Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement reserves that are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Bloomingdale Road Water Main Replacement Project

2. Project Location - Bloomingdale Road

a. Project Location: Within Township 32 North, Range 3 West, N 1/2 of

Section 29, M.D.B.& M. in the road right-of-way for Bloomingdale Road.

b. Project Location - City: N/A (in an unincorporated area of Shasta County)

c. Project Location - County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Replacement of approximately

   590 lineal feet of 4" AC water line with 6" PVC C-900 water line and relocate 4 existing services for Bella Vista Water District customers.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Hollow Lane Water Main Replacement Project - Completed on 8/7/2015!

This is a planned and prioritized pipeline replacement project that will improve water supply reliability by renewing critical infrastructure.  Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Projects are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Hollow Lane Water Main Replacement Project

2. Project Location -
a. Project Location: Within Township 32 North, Range 4 West, SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
Section 17, M.D.B.& M. in the road right-of-way for Hollow Lane.
b. Project Location - Redding,CA  County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Replacement of approximately
680 lineal feet of 8-inch existing water main for Bella Vista Water District.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption


Portero Drive Water Main Replacement Project - Completed on 10/5/2015!

This is a planned and prioritized pipeline replacement project that will improve water supply reliability by renewing critical infrastructure.  Extraordinary Operations, Maintenance and Replacement Projects are funded primarily by customer base rates and Special Assessment revenue.

1. Project Title: Portero Drive Water Main Replacement Project

2. Project Location - Specific
a. Project Location: Within Township 32 North, Range 4 West, SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
Section 3, M.D.B.& M. in the road right-of-way for Portero Drive.
b. Project Location - City: N/A (in an unincorporated area of Shasta County)
c. Project Location - County: Shasta

3. Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project: Replacement of approximately
1,250 lineal feet of 14-inch existing water main for Bella Vista Water District.

4. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Bella Vista Water District

Notice of Exemption